The old key, which I am transitional away from, is:

pub  4096R/D5E28EE0 (0x192BA1E6D5E28EE0) 2014-02-22 
John Ombagi (Linux, DB & Infosec) <>
John Ombagi (Linux, DB & Infosec) <>
Fingerprint=ACF5 FAFE 3C3D 4CE5 95D9  C31B 192B A1E6 D5E2 8EE0

The new key, to which I am transitioning, is:

pub  4096R/AD3A484C (0x7b85a886ad3a484c) 2014-11-10 
John Ombagi <>
John Ombagi (Troon) <>
Fingerprint=CC89 97A6 1F78 304A 7D91  C27F 7B85 A886 AD3A 484C


Contains detailed info about my GPG transition/revocation.


Signature of the gpg-transition.txt using the old key 0x192BA1E6D5E28EE0


Signature of the gpg-transition.txt using the new key 0x7b85a886ad3a484c


To fetch the full new key from a public key server using GnuPG, run:

    $ gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x7B85A886AD3A484C

If you have already validated my old key, you can then validate that the new key is signed by my old key:

    $ gpg --check-sigs 0x7B85A886AD3A484C

Just incase you need to clarify anything about my GnuPG keys, reach me via jayombagi at gmail dot com